Amulets to attract money and good luck

Since ancient times people were aware of different ways to make your life more happy, successful, prosperous. Even since then, as soon as there was money, some particularly enterprising person began to run around the mages, sorcerers, conduct special ceremonies to increase their income. Today amulets to attract money and good luck is probably in every home. This can be a special object endowed with magical powers, personal skivvy talisman, runic script. Every culture has its own symbols associated with raising the material well-being, and today we will look at the most popular.

Eastern money talismans

Money amulets and talismans to attract income are widely used in Eastern countries. Today you don't even need to go on such a long journey to buy a magical object, almost all of them are sold in esoteric stores and online. So, what attracts money, according to Chinese and Japanese?

  • Chinese coin several coins with the characters associated red thread — a very powerful talisman of wealth in Feng Shui. Such coins put in a purse, or hang in the house — is that they actively attract money energy in the home, open up new sources of income.
  • Toad with coins — another traditional Eastern symbol used as an amulet, prosperity, luck and wealth. Usually, this Golden toad proudly sits on a mountain of coins, holding in the mouth one of them. They say that under such a statue you need to put a large bill — then very soon these "pieces of paper" will you have a lot.
  • God Hotei is the Eastern deity fulfills all desires, including the purely material. The main thing — is good to ask about this pot-bellied man. According to the legend, it must be three hundred times a Pat on the belly, voicing his request.
  • Room fountains, paintings with water scenery. The element of water in Feng Shui is closely connected with the for Finance, so the easiest way to enhance your house is to buy a small indoor fountain or wall mount picture with a waterfall, a ship sailing through the waves, running streams. The main thing — that the water was not stagnant, or your financial situation, too, will stand.
  • Goldfish — great Oriental talisman of prosperity and wealth. You can put live fish in the aquarium, or put in a prominent place a statue depicting them.


It turns out that instead of having to do with your hands amulets for money and luck, you can just get a houseplant. But, of course, not any, and special. Such "money" plants are:

  • Money tree (crassula, jade tree)
  • Cactus
  • Bougainvillea
  • Zamioculcas
  • Aukuba
  • Geranium
  • Dracaena Sanderiana
  • Lemon
  • Plant

With proper care, these "green cats" will open the financial flows and direct them in the direction of all households.

Rocks and minerals

Among the stones and minerals a lot of those that bring prosperity, financial success, help to solve financial problems. The strongest stones are malachite and aventurine. How to make talisman for money and good fortune his hands of stone? Just search for a good frame, and then wear in the form of earrings, rings, bracelet, pendant. Also work great pyramid of mineral. And, you can get the right stone, and then paint on it and cash the rune Fehu is such a talisman for prosperity and wealth better than a no show, store in a hidden pocket or in the depths of the bag. By the way, if the above stones you don't like you can find another most suitable minerals, for example, arranging them by date of birth or on some other principle.Rune Fehu

Other currency symbols

A personal talisman for luck in all things, including the material can be another subject. We will discuss the most popular "wealth magnets" that are used in different cultures.

  • The magic square of Pythagoras is a very powerful amulet that increases the monetary power of the person. On the Internet you can find detailed instructions telling you how to make a money talisman square for myself — it will need the full date of your birth.
  • Eternal bill — symbol, which heard, perhaps, without exception. This is the conventional paper bill, do not have large denomination that you want to put in a new wallet, after reading a special conspiracy. To spend this money and transfer it into the wrong hands it is impossible — just keep it in a separate compartment of the purse, and if you spend the financial flow that is directed in your direction, will stop.
  • The horseshoe popular all over the world for good luck and money. It is believed that this magical item not only attracts to its owner the owner in all Affairs and protects him from diseases, disasters, financial collapse, but also acts as a powerful talisman against corruption, the evil eye, curses. Horseshoe be sure to hang inside the house, over the front door, "horns" up.
  • Spoon — the perfect amulet to attract money and luck. This piece can be purchased at any esoteric shop, but in order for the magic spoon earned — it is necessary to perform a special ritual. What will be discussed in future materials of our site.
  • Similarly, the spoon and the mouse running to the wallet is another talisman for money.

Great amulets and talismans of wealth and good luck be a runic script. Usually they are put on a wooden plate or a piece of cardboard, and then constantly carry with them. But remember that not everyone can successfully work on methods of rune magic, so time described in the articles rituals only if the runes are really close to you. And don't forget about pre-diagnosis!

Homemade "magnets" for money

Now let's understand how to make magical amulets and charms for luck and wealth with their own hands. There are a few simple ways.

Money cake

The money cake is a magical item which is made independently. Some argue that to make such a talisman can only be on the Old New year, others say that a day does not matter, the main thing — that the moon was rising. So decide for yourself when to start doing a magical ritual.

How to make money amulet pellet?

  1. Buy wax (not paraffin) candle is white.
  2. Prepare an iron mug and a coin of any denomination.
  3. At selected time melt the candle on fire in a circle, and when the wax will be bubbles, throw the prepared coin.
  4. While coin "cooked" three times out loud, read the spell: "God is Paradise, Paradise is the garden, the garden is beautiful and rich. You KIPI, candle, KIPI, you're mine my wealth, mine. While this wax coin in front of me, all the wealth will go to me. Wealth in the garden of Eden, don't know more need. My case is Department. Close, close, close, close, clean, clean. Amen. Amen. Amen."
  5. While uttering the last words, a coin will pull out of a mug with a slotted spoon so that the entire surface of the money were coated with wax.
  6. Hot gently put the coin aside to dry out — and you get the magic pellet for attracting Finance, you need to always carry.
  7. If you wish, you can produce as many as three such mascot, but read the spell you need for each separately.

Magic bag

Magic bagNever to experience financial difficulties, try to make a magic bag. Remember — once the rite this pouch cannot be shown to anybody, so decide with the place where you are going to store it.

How to make money amulet for luck and wealth?

  1. Go to Church and take some Holy water.
  2. Sew from any natural fabric small pouch.
  3. When the bag is ready — sprinkle him with Holy water, reciting the prayer "Our father".
  4. Take a few coins of any value, but the greater the bunch the better.
  5. Each coin spender and also sprinkle Holy water.
  6. Place coin in front of him in a row, and then each take a hand, hold-to-face and say, "Penny to penny the Piglet to Piglet, the ruble to ruble — all to court!"
  7. After reading the plot put all the money inside the fabric bag, and then stow it away from prying eyes. Until he is kept away from the eyes of others — financial luck will go with you hand in hand.

Magic bag — option 2

If the previous ritual, we have produced a talisman for attracting money, but now focus on other life areas — make a universal amulet for happiness, luck and good fortune in your own hands.

  1. Sew the pouch to the small size of a natural fabric, but choose the color according to your desire: red is used for love charms, brown — to raise money, green for health, purple for luck in spiritual development, magic.
  2. Pick up a few natural stones and minerals, which are able to attract certain energy. There are gems that are created to enhance intuition, there are those that help the career to bring good luck in business, others are about personal life. Just pick up any book about the magical properties of stones and choose the one mineral or several that will "work" on your goal.
  3. Likewise, pick up the dried plants, reading about their miraculous properties. Plants possible, it is best to collect and dry yourself.
  4. Another important component is the essential oil. Oil, also known to have magical properties. You need to choose the kind of oil that is suitable for your desires.
  5. If you want to add to the above ingredients, any small items that will be associated with the selected order. For example, coin or jewelry (which you no longer want to wear) suggests about money, the pin — protects from the evil eye, a small paper heart symbolizes love.
  6. Assemble all the ingredients, put them in a bag, place inside a few drops of essential oil, and then tie the magic "purse" with lace or ribbon, and then hide in a place inaccessible to others. Here and all the personal charm of happiness ready, also made individually for your task!

As an epilogue I want to add that any amulets and charms for the financial well-being, happiness and luck work only when we sincerely believe in their powers. Without faith none of the ritual and talisman simply won't work.